Agaasinka Cilmi-baarista iyo Horumarinta Bulshada Saamaynta Dhaqan-Dhaqaale iyo Caafimaad ee Masiibada Suuqa Waaheen
(Dood Cilmiyeed 1aad)
Dababka waaweyn ee sida joogtada ah uga kaca dhismayaasha ganacsiga, xarumaha iibka iyo suuqyo ku yaala Afrika ayaa noqday khatar halis ku ah dhaqaalaha jilicsan ee wadamada intooda badan. Tusaale ahaan, suuqyo badan oo waaweyn iyo dhismayaal ganacsi oo Nayjeeriya ku yaalla waxa ku basbeelay duunyo badan, kaas oo baabi’iyay nafo iyo hanti qiimihiisu gaadhayo balaayiin nairaha lacagta Nayjeeriya (Nema, 2006). Dabkii ka kacay suuqa ayaa keenay inuu baabi’iyo shaqooyinka, waxyeello u geysto deegaanka, carqaladeeyo dhaqdhaqaaqa dhaqaalaha, iyo sii xumeynta dhibaatada Dhaqan-dhaqaale ee markii horeba ka jirtay suuqa Waaheen ee Hargaysa. Suuqa Waaheen, in ka badan 3000 oo ganacsato ah ayaa ku hanti beelay dabkii dhawaan ka kacay suuqaas, kaasoo ay ku baab’een ku dhawaad 2000 oo dukaan oo basbeelay. Cawaaqibkan waxaa mararka qaarkood loo aaneeyaa hab- dhaqannada xun ee ganacsatadu ka qabaan xakamaynta dabka iyo wado samaynta suuqa Hargeysa, iyo sida ay u arkaan maaraynta guud ahaan dabka iyo yaraanta agabyada lagula dagaalamo dabka ee magaalooyinka oo an jirinba. Tusaale ahaan, intii uu socday dabkii dhawaan ka kacay suuqa, inta badan ganacsatada yar yar waxaa loo arkayay kuwo aan waxba ka qaban karin, sababtoo ah ma haystaan qalab dab-damis oo lagu yareeyo saameynta shilka dabka. Dood-cilmiyeedkan ay soo agaasintay Jaamacadda Admas ayaa waxa ka soo qayb geli doona aqoonyahanno, masuuliyiin ka tirsan xukuumadda iyo madaxda dawladda hoose ee Hargeysa, kuwaas oo lagaga hadli doono falanqaynta dhaqan-dhaqaale iyo caafimaad ee masiibada Suuqa Waaheen iyo casharrada mustaqbalka laga baran doono.
Dr. Mohamed O. Guudle (PhD)
Associate Professor, School of Graduate Studies, Admas University Hargeisa
Director, Institute of Development and Policy Studies (IDPS) of Admas University Hargeisa Abdirahman Muse
Director General, Somaliland National Insurance Authority
Abdirisak M. Shaqale (PhD Candi.)
Researcher and PhD Candidate at Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara
Mr. Khalid A. Omer (BSc, PHO, MPH)
Dean, Department of Public Health, Admas University Hargeisa
Research and Community Development Directorate
The Socio-Economic and Health Analysis of Waaheen Market Disaster Panel Discussion 1
Concept Note
The frequent occurrence of major fires in commercial buildings, shopping malls, and markets in Africa has become a serious threat to the fragile economies of most countries. For example, many major markets and commercial buildings in Nigeria have been gutted by “market fire,” destroying lives and property worth billions of naira (Nema, 2006). These “market fires” have continued to obliterate jobs, harm the environment, disrupt economic activity, and exacerbate the problem of poverty (Oladokun & Ishola, 2010). In Waaahen Market, more than 3000 traders lost their livelihoods in the recent fire outbreak in the market, which involved close to 2000 shops that were razed to the ground. These consequences are sometimes attributed to traders ‘negative’ attitudes and perceptions of fire management and shortages of local resources. For example, during the recent fire in the market, most traders were seen as helpless because they lacked firefighting equipment and were unaware of how to use any mechanism to reduce the impact of the fire accident. This panel Discussion will bring in Somaliland scholars, government officials, senior Hargeisa Municipality officials, to talk about the socio-economic and health analysis of the Waaheen Market disaster and future lessons to be learned.
Dr. Mohamed O. Guudle (PhD)
Associate Professor, School of Graduate Studies, Admas University Hargeisa
Director, Institute of Development and Policy Studies (IDPS) of Admas University Hargeisa Abdirahman Muse
Director General, Somaliland National Insurance Authority
Abdirisak M. Shaqale (PhD Candi.)
Researcher and PhD Candidate at Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara
Mr. Khalid A. Omer (BSc, PHO, MPH)
Dean, Department of Public Health, Admas University Hargeisa